Friday, October 21, 2016

When She Says 'No' – 5 Reasons for Rejection

Posted by Amone Echru on 12:37 AM with No comments
Adelaide Escorts
Rejection. It's something many people are afraid of, for one reason or another. When it comes to the dating game, sometimes a bloke just gets shot down by the woman he wants. And that's despite his practising being charming and all that with one of the Adelaide escorts you can find online.

However, it doesn't have to be that way all the time. There are several reasons women reject men; some of them you can control, but some of them you can't. To help you figure out ways to boost your chances with the ladies, here are some of the more common reasons for rejection.

1.      Bad luck. You might have approached the object of your desire when she was having a bad day, leading to her misinterpreting your words, for example, or just turning you down cold. When this happens, there's nothing you can do but to accept the rejection. Maybe it's the universe's way of telling you not to pursue this lady.

If you do push through, however, try being more subtle the next time you try ask her out, or at least check that she's in a good mood when you do so.

2.      Lack of confidence. Women are more drawn to blokes who carry themselves with a certain amount of confidence. If you're fidgety or otherwise too obviously nervous when you chat her up, she's going to turn you down.

3.      Cockiness. There's a difference between being confident and being cocky, with the latter being just as off-putting as not being confident enough. There's a reason women seem to be drawn to the 'bad boys' – it's their confidence that's appealing.

Essentially, you have to know what you're good at, but be polite about it and downplay rather than brag, to avoid coming off as cocky. For example, if you're good at sports, don't talk about your team winning an inter-high championship unless the subject of sports comes up.

Also, be an all-around nice guy and treat servers, clerks, and the like with respect; be cocky and rude to them, and she'll drop you the first chance she gets.

4.      Bad hygiene. Say you're polite, confident, and generally likeable – so why would she still turn you down? It could be that your lack of personal hygiene is showing itself.

There's really no reason for you not to look after yourself better. Brush your teeth, wash up, spray on some cologne and comb your hair a little. You can put in just enough effort for that, and get ready to have the ladies at least seriously consider you as a date.

5.      No chemistry. This could be physical attraction, or it can refer to chemistry in the bedroom. Either way, if the spark isn't there for her, it's best not to force it.

So practice all you want with the Adelaide escorts you found online, as long as you don't jeopardise your chances with her by doing or showing any of the above. 


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